Lezeressenvraag Libelle: omgaan met je leidinggevende

Regelmatig beantwoord ik lezeressenvragen van Libelle op gebied werk en relaties. (Deze vraag stond in Libelle 42) Click on title to read text

Emma (35): "Sinds enkele maanden heb ik een nieuwe bazin. Eerlijk: ze doet haar werk écht niet goed. Bovendien gaat ze bij het management met de pluimen lopen als  wij voorstellen doen, en wijst ze naar ons als er dingen foutlopen. Het verziekt niet alleen de sfeer, maar is ook nefast voor het bedrijf. Wat kan ik doen?"

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Inner conflicts

In my Carmen's letter I wrote a blog about how to deal with inner conflicts. (click title to read on ) Hoe omgaan met innerlijke tegenstrijdigheden?

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10 x de juiste aanpak voor je kinderen tijdens/na scheiding

Artikel over hoe je een scheiding aanpakt voor je kinderen. Gepubliceerd in Tijdschrift Vrouwen met Vaart, maart 2017

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Flemish Magazin Libelle: empty nest

For the Flemish Magazine "Libelle" I answer reader's questions about work and relations. Tania's question is about an empty nest (click on title to read on)

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Flemish Magazine Libelle: career change

For the Flemish Magazine "Libelle" I answer reader's questions about work and relations. Kate's question is about career change (click on title to read on)

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What makes you feel good?

About the power of green and other things that boosts our energy

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Tips to improve your relationship

  • Build “couple’s time” into your schedule. For most couples, the key to improving your relationship is to make it a priority to spend more time together
  • Whatever you do, make sure you have time to really talk during your special time together.
  • Learn to say no to others and your smart-phone during ‘date-night. Create a relaxed atmosphere by dimming the lights or go for a walk in nature.
  • Create moments of connection during every day. A gesture, a wink and a smile. Scientific research says that it is the small, positive moments that matter in keeping relationships satisfied.
  • Be honest with each other. To keep your relationship strong, be open and honest about your feelings. Then you’re really communicating.
  • Find new interest to pursue together. Doing something completely new will bring you closer together: a cooking workshop, a class together or training for a run.
  • If your partner is unsympathetic with you in a testing time, such as being fired at work or after a death in the family, then consider that it maybe not be him or her, but the situation that produces those words. Differentiating contextual behaviour from personal behaviour is an art that can help create healthy, lifelong relationships.

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Digital Advent of Candle Lights

I'm running a Digital Advent of Candle Lights from the 1 st of December till 24th of December. If you sign up you'll receive a question a day about life (click title to read on) .

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Laugh, Love and Sex

published in Small Talk Magazine, december 2016

I was stuck at home last week due to infected tonsils. I was just sipping at one of my countless glasses of tea when I nearly spoiled the healing liquid… What? Flemish news: Thursday evenings are officially declared to be dating and sex evenings for couples living in Belgium... (click on title read on and have some tips as well)

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Me, my best friend

Do your colleagues and friends know how to find you when they are in distress?
Can they count on you for support and some gentle words?
But, how caring and loving are you towards yourself?

This blog is about self compassion. Click on title to read more.

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Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at odio lobortis, ultricies ipsum sed, laoreet erat. Vivamus sagittis justo eget pulvinar tristique. Cras consectetur a neque eu facilisis. Suspendisse mattis ornare porta. Etiam eget imperdiet metus. Donec auctor elit vel tristique ultricies. Mauris sed iaculis quam, eu tristique nulla.

Nulla vestibulum orci venenatis, porttitor purus at, consequat metus. Curabitur ipsum purus, venenatis a imperdiet eu, elementum id nisi. Sed aliquam, magna a dictum accumsan, neque libero blandit nunc, eu vestibulum ipsum lorem eget felis. Cras sagittis et lacus at convallis. Etiam congue accumsan posuere.

Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.

This is the main content area

Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at odio lobortis, ultricies ipsum sed, laoreet erat. Vivamus sagittis justo eget pulvinar tristique. Cras consectetur a neque eu facilisis. Suspendisse mattis ornare porta. Etiam eget imperdiet metus. Donec auctor elit vel tristique ultricies. Mauris sed iaculis quam, eu tristique nulla.

Nulla vestibulum orci venenatis, porttitor purus at, consequat metus. Curabitur ipsum purus, venenatis a imperdiet eu, elementum id nisi. Sed aliquam, magna a dictum accumsan, neque libero blandit nunc, eu vestibulum ipsum lorem eget felis. Cras sagittis et lacus at convallis. Etiam congue accumsan posuere.

Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.